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70-562 Tracing

Tracing can be enabled from the page directive, programmatically or from the web.config.

This will append the trace info to the bottom of the page.

There several tables of grouped trace information: Life cycle events, controls used by page, sessions state, cookies, http reuqest headers, server variables.

SessionID, Time spent in each event, and check that the events are executing in the expected order.

The control tree give a hierarchy of the controls in the page, and how much the control is using in the viewstate, and render by tells how much room the control uses on the page.

See cookie information.

And can see the Header information incase you do any kind of header manipulation.

Also see query string collection.

Also see the server variables passed back and forth between the server and the client application, logon user, remote user.

Enable tracing when not in production, (remember to disable it when building a release... that and the debug= true setting get forgotten often). All this Tracing nfomation is very insightfull when learning

It is possible to use the TraceContext class for adding information like Trace.Write and Trace.Warn, this last one displayed in red. Each of these has overloads with single message, category and message, and exception.

The trace object is available from the page object.

TraceContext.IsEnabled can be used to check if trace is enabled before writing. Also, this is a set property, Tracing can be enabled programmaticaly using IsEnabled, and the TraceMode can be set to change how the information is grouped.

Having trace enabled to tru in the web.config shows trace.axd localy only, while false will show to all remote users.

When writeToDiagnosticsTrace is enabled, it also writes to tracelisteners on the system.


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