You can add custom attributes for each node in the xml file, like the sound and image of an animal to set to label and img you can check if there is a previous sibling to add a previous button(set the button to visible, do all this in page_load in general when testing new features, you can add a checkbox to display info to make sure you can read it, even it's if its irrevelant for the user to see, you just add labels at the bottom of the page, and you can even add this in the master page as a footer, you could put all this in the server div control and use innerHTML property you can use it for rewriting(rerouting) urls so they dont include query string, in the web.config in urlMappings element. Might want to put these mappings in an external .config (set the configSource attrtibute of the urlMappings elementconfiguration file, external config change doesnt cause an application restart.
Setting the url in the sitemap file also allows to remap urls sitemap files to have child sitemap files.
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